Zen-oh and the Great Priest are quite interesting characters to say the least.
The former, a childlike psychopath that can destroy all, who puts Kid Buu to shame. The latter, an indifferent yet always pleased, possibly sinister angel.
This isn’t a theory about how the Great Priest is the next villain and secretly wants to watch the multiverse burn as he and his children watch on smiling. No. This is a nice theory.
There are a lot of similarities between The Great Priest, and by extension the rest of the Angels, and the Kai’s. They all wear clothing that’s not all too dissimilar from one another. They all love some puffy clothes, don’t we all. They even have a similar colour palette when you think about it. But most importantly, they want to keep balance and cease needless destruction.
The whole idea of Kai’s, who create, and the Gods of Destruction, who obviously destroy, is to keep balance in their universe. The Angels are like the ultimate Kai’s in a way.
Their whole point is to keep their assigned God of Destruction in check and teach them. Look at Beerus and Champa. Their fight was pretty intense but nothing too serious in the grand scheme of things. Only when the fight started to become a universal threat to both their universes did they intervene.
The Angels are a lot less destructive and tend to focus on creation and preserving. Look at Whis rewinding time or helping with the birth of Bulla, Vegeta’s daughter.
See? Some similarities to the Kai’s.
But what about Zen-oh?
Well he’s more like a God of Destruction.
I mean, it doesn’t get more destructive than wiping a timeline from existence. But more importantly he keeps balance.
Zen-oh wants to destroy the weaker universes for two reasons.
1. He just wants to
2. It will maintain balance
You can’t just have these ultra powerful universe full of the strongest fighters and then have a universe made entirely of Yamcha’s can you?
The Great Priest is like the Angel and adviser to Zen-Oh really but also like a Kai.
He creates things as well. He created the stage for the Tournament of Power with ease and more importantly, he created the other angels. Well, some are confirmed to be his children, but it wouldn’t be the biggest leap to think he created them all.
In a way, you can think of Zen-Oh and the Great Priest as the Ultimate God of Destruction and Kai respectively.
Maybe even the first.
They came into being and The Great Priest went ahead and made all the universes. Zen-Oh grows tired of normality and so he creates the first destroyer. Buu. Known more commonly as Majin Buu to you and I.
We know Buu was around since Time Immemorial but what if time didn’t technically start until he was created by Zen-Oh?
Buu goes on his typical rampage. Blows things up and eventually goes into his hibernation. Great Priest doesn’t want to anger Zen-Oh by suggesting they destroy his new toy and instead suggests they make a system to keep balance but also make things fun.
He suggests they create Gods that can breathe life into all the universes they have but also create Gods that can destroy to keep Zen-Oh entertained. He also adds that he will birth children to act as Angels, to ensure balance and that everyone can enjoy themselves. Zen-Oh agrees and so The Great Priest creates the system we know today of Kai’s who create life and Gods of Destruction who destroy life when it must end. Balance maintained.
I know there isn’t a lot of evidence going beyond “Hey don’t they kinda dress similar, have a similar colour palette and intend to keep balance” but sometimes it’s fun to just think thematically and creatively.
Let me know what you think in the comments. Do you think they have different origins? Do you think The Great Priest is the devil in disguise? Answer in the comments. Also be sure to leave a like if you enjoyed and share this with your friends to spread the discussion.
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